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The Royal Sussex Regiment

Onboard RMS Tintagel Castle

The following men were all listed as aboard RMS Tintagel castle, which sailed from Southampton on Saturday 10th March 1901, arriving Table Bay on Saturday 31st March 1901.

Detailed information about the Royal Sussex regiment is available at www.royalsussex.org.uk/


Regtl. No. Name
Rank / Initial 
  Regtl. No. Name
Rank / Initial 
  Barttelot Captain WG   7031 Hobson Private F
  Tamplin Lieut SWG   7106 Hollingdale H
  Howe Lieut AF   7107 Hughes H
1918 Quick Col Sergt J   7060 Jones F
7013 Baker Sergt G   7003 Karn G
7042 Ross Sergt F   7033 Kilner H
7087 Vinall Sergt J   7094 Knott J
7043 Vidler Sergt W   7108 Lallyett J
7086 Dean Corpl J   7061 Law E
7021 Holder Corpl F   7109 Leney C
7046 Jarvis Corpl A   7036 Little PH
7045 Simes Corpl L   7062 Luck F
7020 Wilkinson Corpl G   7063 Marsh E
7029 Chantler L Corpl E   7064 Martin A
7095 Dewey L Corpl A   7065 Martin F
7038 Grinsted L Corpl E   7066 Martin J
7014 Howard L Corpl G   7067 Mitchell A
7024 Matthews L Corpl A   7068 Neeve F
7070 Oak L Corpl J   7069 Oliver P
7009 Rowe L Corpl H   7110 Parsons S
7080 Unstead L Corpl E   7071 Payne H
7044 Dunk Bugler G   7072 Phillips S
7026 Glossop Bugler W   7073 Pilcher P
7047 Avis Private H   7007 Pope H
7002 Aylwin B   7074 Richardson J
7037 Baker E   7104 Seward EC
7048 Bannister G   7096 Shaw T
7015 Berge HE   7084 Short W
7005 Bleach F   7075 Simes ES
7022 Booker H   7076 Simes FH
7023 Booker J   7112 Simmonds F
7049 Boxall W   7089 Sims L
7050 Buss C   7090 Slater E
7001 Caldwell J   7101 Smith G
7017 Carter W   7018 Smith T
7011 Christopher W   7077 Stacey H
7051 Coomber W   7100 Stanford J
7039 Dinnage H   7097 Stanning R
7052 Down D   7098 Stent WE
7053 Draper S   7099 Stevenson J
7054 Eade WE   7079 Stevens G
7092 Ellyatt J   7105 Vine R
7010 Farr H   7025 Wadham G
7055 Floyd J   7040 Wagstaffe E
7093 Ford F   7004 Wakeham J
7019 Gaston A   7008 Wallace W
7056 Gibson S   7091 Walters E
7088 Goldsmith E   7081 Webb W
7057 Goodwin E   7027 Willer M
7058 Goodwin W   7102 Wells H
7016 Hair J   7114 Whatford C
7034 Hamilton W   7103 White C
7113 Hammond A   7082 Williams S
7030 Harwood J   7098 Willmer E
7035 Hazelgrove J   7111 Wills A
7006 Hill H   7028 Wood F
7012 Hiscock PJ   7083 Wood WC
7059 Henshaw W